booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2 | Weight Watchers Message Boards (2024)

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Aug 31, 2024 12:12:48 GMT

Post by karen54171 on Aug 31, 2024 12:12:48 GMT

Robin, right on schedule, DD sent me a text after she got home from school. The dinner over there is this afternoon. She asked me to bring a dessert, then changed it to veggie pizza but I am not in the mood to make it, so I said I will bring dessert. Going to make triple chocolate brownies, very easy. It will be DSIL mother and stepfather, along with mothers DS and her DH. And me.
Yes, I stop at my Credit Unions drive up and get the rolls. This is one of the things I do not like about living here, since I pay a water bill, then have to pay $2.00 for wash and same for dryer. It can get expensive.
haha, I think I should have created a list for the names of all the men I have dated! I too have a problem remembering. Of course, a lot of those men were "1 date wonders"
How did the MRI go? Good luck with the results.

Marsha, I hope you have a wonderful weekend and do what YOU want! (The Y is open all weekend except Monday)

Gareth, I keep reading of different gummies or vitamins helping arthritis pain, but do not order it, as I pretty sure it really does not help. I wish it would, but we know better. Those marijuana gummies do help, but I might as well take the prescribed drugs for it, as that is legal, marijuana is not, in my state.
I feel like the bad guy because I keep harping about the butt situation. The PM will get to the point when she sees me coming, she will think oh oh, now what?? There is no smoking in the building, that is either a state law or federal law. The building I go to to pay the rent must somehow allow smoking, as the minute I walk into that building, I could just gag, it stinks so bad of smoking!!
Your storm the other night must have stayed south, as we did not get that one.

Carol, when I was going through the hiring process, I had to have a drug screen. That is what makes me leery about doing the marijuana gummies. I would love to see if they could control my pain, which I would use in the evening. Omg, about the employee coming to the activity drunk! Our state is big on drinking, so I wonder if that same employee would just have to go through counseling or something like that, instead of getting fired.
I tried waitressing way back when I was 19 and hated it and could not learn that darned menu, so I did it for 3 miserable days. Needless to say, restaurant employees, no matter what their job, get my respect and even admiration.
I sometimes have to take a big pill, which I cut in half with my pill cutter, as I have had that happen to me, with it lodged down in my throat. Glad you are getting better. Just in time for the holiday weekend that you are not doing anything, lol.

Anngie, I have done the same while having an MRI. If you just close your eyes and try to relax, it seems to go faster.
The owner of a restaurant yelling at a customer has to have more to the story! With doing that, other customers see and hear what is going on so he risks looking like a fool to potentially a lot of people, so I am a bit sure most owners would need a very good reason to go that far.
HAHAHA!!! That is very funny about remembering who Joe was!!! He was the one that lived on the west side of the state and ended up living with his mother.
The PM and I, yesterday put our heads together about the butt thing and she is going to do more investigating, which I have no clue what that means, since she does not have cameras outside here. I suggested that maybe someone is standing outside the entrance door, next to my patio and smoking then throwing the butt on my cement, as she was confused by them appearing again, with her talking to the upstairs tenants, she believed they would have stopped. But it is in her hands again, so we shall see. I did see her patrolling around the complex late yesterday.
See what I wrote to Carol about restaurant employees.
Do you leave today to go to the lake? Sounds like fun! Enjoy yourself. Before we know it, we will be in the think of winter!!

Pinky, I could NEVER walk a day in your shoes!!! How do you do it?? I suppose you are so used to it, you don't give it a thought.
I had to call and rearrange my hair appt time this coming Thursday because of my hours changing a bit at work, so I am due too.
Thank you, and I hope you can rest and enjoy this weekend too.
Oh my, you have a mystery on your hands!!! I would be ticked too about that, as I know it is just irritating to stop the lawn mower and get that pack. And then it keeps showing up!!! Does your DH know of an employee that smokes?
Have a good time this weekend.

Need to make that brownie recipe, which of course calls for vegetable oil, and I do not have any, so I will use avocado oil.
When I was at Aldi's yesterday, I shopped their aisle of shame and found a box of nice green colored ladies T shirts with lace on the upper back on it, for just $3.49. I need more light shirts for work, so bought it. I will do a load of wash this morning then try it on, maybe wear it to DD's. I love when they have those cheap finds there. I was disappointed when looking for a can of frosting for the brownies, and they did not have any chocolate, so I ran over to Hy-Vee, which is basically across the street. I needed to get bigger band aids than I have, as I gouged my arm at work Thursday and it bled pretty good, so I got that too at Hy-Vee.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Aug 31, 2024 12:47:00 GMT

Post by gareth on Aug 31, 2024 12:47:00 GMT

Karen, keep forgetting to ask if you ever decided what to do about glasses. I was going to suggest that too that maybe someone was outside your patio flicking their cigarette butts on your patio. Enjoy the get together at DD's! Is it a BBQ?

Robin, I haven't tried Voltairin because of NSAID being an ingredient. DS said it never helped him. Glad it works for you. How'd the MRI go?

Carol, I hate those large pills. I had a large vitamin pill once get stuck in my throat that was scary. Since then I get the gummies. I've seen now that there's mini's so there must've been complaints but I stay with the gummies.

Anngie, I haven't read Sand and Ash since I usually don't like books about WWII

Only 56º when I got up. About 20º cooler than it has been in early morning all week. 84º predicted but humidity isn't supposed to be as high as it's been all week. Looks to be a nice holiday weekend. No plans except for DGD's belated birthday lunch get together tomorrow.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Aug 31, 2024 14:16:09 GMT

Post by RobinS811 on Aug 31, 2024 14:16:09 GMT

Karen, funny about the 1 date wonders. One of my DGF's, who dated a lot before she met the one she married, I used to say it was 50 days 50 dates. Seeing as the men are usually the ones who reach out first, people say that to the men it is like being a kid in a candy shop, not what they were used to from the first time around. They could pick out one of many to date. Glad you have that get together today. I made a box of brownies with Leo the other day. They were some brand where it came with a packet of thick chocolate syrup to mix in, so I wouldn't frost those.

Pinky, maybe if you put a trash can out by the road they would get a hint. Sorry about your cousin's wife. Sometimes it's a blessing though when the person has dimentia. Enjoy having your DD's family there.

Anngie, I am sure I have said it, but DH had a good friend from law school who had an aunt that owned a beautiful log home on a private lake in the Adirondacks. We went there a few times with him, and it was just so beautiful. Enjoy your weekend, I am sure it will be wonderful. I think Carvel is only in the northeast, I don't think they have any in the Midwest.

The MRI went fine. I kept my eyes closed. I did ask them to put on classical music, which I find very calming, but it wasn't loud enough. I guess the headphones deadened the sound a bit so it wasn't that terrible. The worst part was having to lay on such a flat hard surface for so long, because that makes my back feel worse. I saw the films, but have no idea what I am looking at, so have to wait until they interpret them. I have a travel stroller that DS1 left here when they moved to MA, and the person who wants it is the wife of the physical therapist I use. I am going to ask if he needs a doctor to give a prescription for PT, or if he can work with me. My insurance does not require a referral, and my supplemental covers the co-pay. I think it is limited to 24 visits, but that is until the end of the year.

I started 2 different books, which is normally what I do, but these are both beach reads. One is Swan Song by Elin Hilerbrandt. Good so far, nothing spectacular though. Then I started The Rom-Commers by Katherine Center and am really loving it, so I may just stick with that over the weekend and go back to Swan Song. I paid some bills, have to do laundry, and will bake cookies. I don't have the white chocolate chips, so I decided to make these cookies into Funky Monkey, which is a Ben and Jerry's flavor, so it will be chocolate chips and chopped walnuts in with the bananas.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Aug 31, 2024 18:23:57 GMT

Post by carol2 on Aug 31, 2024 18:23:57 GMT

The first time I had a MRI was when I had a frozen shoulder. It lasted a long time or at least, it seems like it was long and it was painful. They had to put me in a certain position and it was very uncomfortable. I've never had one like that since, thank heavens.

Karen, I don't remember you saying there was no smoking in your building. That makes the cigarette thing worse because someone is breaking the lease. I hope you get an answer soon. Have fun at your dinner tonight.

My voice is finally almost back to normal. Robin, I never had a cold with it. When strange things like this happen, I write it in a notebook so I can know the details in case it happens again or if I want to talk to the doctor about it next time I see him.

We talked to DS and DDIL last night. They close on their house next week. They, especially DDIL, are excited. DDIL changed jobs and mostly works from home and is ready to have a dedicated room for her office.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Sept 1, 2024 12:23:58 GMT

Post by karen54171 on Sept 1, 2024 12:23:58 GMT

Gareth, I have not decided what to do, about the glasses issue. I was at Dollar General Friday and tried on a pair of cheaters and did not like the results; I was better without them. But I swear my eyes have gotten worse for reading, since the procedures, so I do need something. She gave me a script so I can get new ones, but the old ones are doing fine for right now, even though I don't like their look.
Dinner was sloppy joes and all regular sides. Of course, DSIL couldn't just do sloppy joes, he looked up a recipe from America's Test Kitchen and did that, which meant smoking the meat, and so on...He said he won't make it again as there were just too many steps to it, and I thought it was almost the same as Manwich, out of the can! But I did not tell him that.
Have a nice time with your family today.
It is cool here this morning, I had to get a sweatshirt on over my T shirt and shorts!

Robin, either I have had 1 date relationships, or maybe 2 weeks, then with meeting the person, I could see it would not move forward. But that is what dating is for, but it does get wearing on a person.
Those boxed brownies flopped, in my opinion. DD assured me the grands and one of DGD friends would eat the rest, the issue is the middle of the pan of them did not get fully done. Otherwise, it was a nice time. I was the first one to leave to go home. Since the tooth extraction on Monday, I get a painful headache on that side of my head, and I could feel it coming on.
Glad to hear everything went well and you were able to get the MRI done. DH shortly before he died had an MRI and couldn't finish it, as he panicked or something, so they rescheduled it and was given by the doctor a pill to take before it. I do not remember what the MRI was for.
Have fun today, I hope you can stay the whole time.

Carol, yup, MRI's sure are not the most comfortable tests to have to go through. I had forgotten about that flat surface, it affects my back while in there, and then you have to lay so still, that is very hard to do.
There is no smoking in apartment buildings; it is the law. I guess here they can smoke on their balcony. The other apartment I lived in just recently smoking was not allowed within so many feet of the apartment building.
Thank you, it was a good time at DD's. I was glad to hear she is loving her job as a full-time monitor. It was interesting to hear how it is a little different how things are done at that middle school compared to where I work. I am stumped as to why they have 5 full time monitors, whereas we have 1 ft and 4 part time. I think both schools are pretty much the same size, census wise.
Great to hear your voice is back!! Now you can drive your DH nuts catching up with all you wanted to say that week!!! Hahaha, just kidding!!!
How fun for your DS and DDIL!!! That time waiting to get in will hopefully go fast.

I love driving through town going to DD's and back on a holiday weekend. It sure is dead! Like the whole city went up north. I am going to the wildlife sanctuary late this morning for a good walk. Then DD is bringing that floor lamp over later today.
Tomorrow morning DD and DSIL is coming over to move my dresser. That bugger is so heavy, I cannot do it myself, and I tried to take the drawers out, but as it is a newer dresser (4 years old) there must be a new way to get them out), so they will come and move it, so we can figure out where in my bedroom is the best spot (somewhere around that dresser) for the floor lamp. I am looking forward to having that lamp in there, as it is starting to get darker earlier, and I only have the 1 lamp on the nightstand.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Sept 1, 2024 13:20:54 GMT

Post by gareth on Sept 1, 2024 13:20:54 GMT

Karen, the readers didn't work for me either. I love how you call them cheaters! I've never heard them called that. Except for the reading can you tell any improvement? For me there was no improvement near sighted just far sighted. I'd understood though that was all I'd see improvement in. Is your night vision any better driving now?

Carol, exciting time for DS and DDIL getting their first house. Is she feeling better?

Robin, how'd the cookies turn out?

I'm really having trouble getting into By Any Other Name which surprises me. Maybe it's the subject matter. If it wasn't by Jodi Picoult I may have even given up on it by now.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Sept 1, 2024 13:21:06 GMT

Post by RobinS811 on Sept 1, 2024 13:21:06 GMT

Karen, sorry about that headache. Interesting that your eyes seem worse for reading after the surgery. I remember when my DM had cataract surgery she was surprised how clearly she could see afterwards, which made me wonder how she was driving before. Sounds like you ended up with various things to do over the weekend anyway. Glad your DD is enjoying her job so much.

Carol, congrats on DS & DDIL closing this coming week. Nice that they are happy, and she can work from home.

I just got a text that since the day is dreary, and there might be some scattered showers, they are pushing back the start time of the BBQ to 3 PM. I am waffling about going out to get the butter to make those cookies, vs. just picking something up. My leg was much worse late yesterday, than it is now, so I don't want to push it. I am taking Tylenol, and it helps a little, not much though.

DS1 & DDIL are finally coming close to signing a contract on the house they want to buy. There were termites, and some damage. They decided to split the termite proofing, and that quote was not that bad, and the contractor they brought in about the damaged beam told them that they really did not have to take care of it right away, it was something they could do down the road, so they will take care of it down the road. But of course wait until they see what it is like being a home owner. Maybe in 4 years when both girls are in public school. DS2 & DDIL are on their way to the airport to come back. Quick but enjoyable trip for them.

I have to tell DH the thought I came up with that we can go away fairly locally for a few days. There are 2 museums that are maybe 2 hours from here, that are just his type. There is a museum near the site of Woodstock, and also one up in that area that is about the old hotels in the Catskills, or what was known as the "borscht belt". Either on the way there or on the way home, we could also take a tour of West Point. One of those old hotels they built a casino/hotel complex on, so we could stay there for 2 nights. It's between the 2 museums, and less than an hour from West Point. With so many Jets games this year being night games, THursday, Monday, or even Sunday night, the schedule won't interfere.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Sept 1, 2024 13:27:47 GMT

Post by RobinS811 on Sept 1, 2024 13:27:47 GMT

Gareth, we were posting at the same time. I thought it was only me who never heard them called Cheaters. I used the readers before I got actual glasses. They only help for, as they say, reading, or far-sightedness. I don't think there is anything made for nearsightedness. I have found it harder to drive at night lately, but I think that is really two-fold. In order to save energy, a lot of the lights have been converted to the energy saving kind, that are not as bright as the old ones. I find it harder to drive on roads I am not familiar with, and some roads don't have lights on them at all. Couple that with some cars that have headlight systems that seem to be much brighter, and the fear of drunk drivers, at times like last weekend when we were driving home from out east, until I got onto the highway, I was nervous driving. I felt better driving on the highway, but then thought about people who we used to be friendly with, who were driving home from the Hamptons with another couple a number of years ago, and they were all killed by a drunk driver who crossed the median and hit them head on. Not a good thing to think about really.

I forgot to mention about Rom-Commers. I started reading it Friday night and it is just the thing for a holiday weekend. It's by Katherine Center. I am loving it, but I know it is not for some of you.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Sept 1, 2024 16:11:18 GMT

Post by carol2 on Sept 1, 2024 16:11:18 GMT

Well, my voice is back, but I woke up around 4 a.m. with a migraine. I guess if it isn't one thing it's another. I stayed home from church. I took my meds and went back to bed. I am feeling better now.

It's funny I was watching an old movie lately and a character called reading glasses "cheaters." I'm not sure but I think it may have been The Thin Man. It caught my attention since Karen called them that.

Karen, what does a full time monitor do? At my old school they wanted teachers and everybody else to be out in the hall during the time between classes. They really needed extra people in the halls then especially in the front part of the building where there were no classrooms and also around the bathrooms.

Gareth, DDIL has good days and bad days, but seems to have more good days.

Robin, sorry about your leg bothering you so much.

Has anyone read anything by Susan Wiggs? My sister was reading one during our sisters trip and she loved it and has started reading all her books. I checked one out of the library and am having trouble getting into it.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Sept 1, 2024 17:49:34 GMT

Post by RobinS811 on Sept 1, 2024 17:49:34 GMT

Carol, I have read a lot of Susan Wiggs books. I read one of her series that is pure romance. She has some historical romance. The 2 I really liked were The Apple Orchard and The Beekeeper's Ball. Part of the reason I liked them though was because they talk about the Danish resistance during WWII as part of the story. She has a number of stand alones also, I have read a few. The Oysterville Sewing Circle is one I really liked. I am sure I have read more. Sorry about your migraine, but it sounds like you are feeling better already.

I finished the book by Katherine Center, The Rom-Commers. I really enjoyed it, perfect beach read, quick long weekend read, but, you guessed it, it is a romance to a degree, but nothing that would offend anyone.

We're leaving in a few minutes. I guess if we end up not enjoying ourselves, leaving at 6 would be fine. We'll see how things go.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Sept 2, 2024 11:42:22 GMT

Post by karen54171 on Sept 2, 2024 11:42:22 GMT

Gareth, I just tried on one pair of cheaters, so I will try some more, when I have time. Or are they all the same, vision wise? I think my near sightedness is better, but my eyeballs seem to be clearer. When I went to meet a date a week ago in the evening, I felt comfortable driving in the dark; well at first, I was worried, but that was my old fear of driving at night. I told myself to relax, which I did, and it helped that there were not hardly any vehicles on the road. That time I had 1 glass of wine, with a side order of tonic water, which I drank every time I drank a sip of wine; I am paranoid about drinking and driving.
Is today your get together with family? Have a wonderful time!

Robin, thanks, about the headache. It came back again last night, and it was ferocious. I did have 2 glasses of wine, with my normal dilution of diet tonic water, and by the time I was finishing the 2nd glass, I could feel it coming on. I do believe the dentist did something that affected my sinus over in that area. I will give it a couple weeks, as that extraction site is healing, then figure out, if I still get them, what I am going to do about it. I know I will never go back to that dentist. I got in text messaging a review to be done about the dentist, dental assistant and the clinic the other day and was completely honest. So, they will find out how I feel towards him.
Yeah, about your mother, I too have heard people say that everything is so clear after the eye surgery, and it seems the same with me. But my eyes could have gone another year before really needing it. There are 3 different surgery plans you can pick, and I picked the cheapest one (of course. I am my mother's daughter after all!) because the co pay goes up for each better surgery.
Thank you, yes DD2 loves her job. I can tell too it makes her feel younger. I told her the other night that she looks so go now, and was surprised to hear it, and attributed it to the job, but I don't think so, since she just started there.
So, tell me, did you all leave early, or stay the whole amount of time yesterday? I hope you had a great time, along with your DH. I know how that is, if DH is not having a good time, you suffer too.

Carol, I am sorry you got your migraine yesterday. It stinks it was before church time, so you ended up missing church. Glad it is better by now.
That pain I am getting is so irritating, I just want to go up my nose and pull the pain out!! I would not want to have that pain you get.
Hmm, good question as to what a full-time monitor does. I know DD said something about monitoring the kids that end up in the ISS room, till admin comes to get whoever is in there. I asked DD1 yesterday, when they brought the floor lamp over, why there is such a difference between the 2 schools as to the amount of FT employees for those jobs, and I learned something important. It all has to do with how many referrals said schools are filling out. I am guilty of not filing those, as they are just a pain to do. The least little thing you discipline the student for should be written up. That is the paper trail that more help is needed at said school.
I showed the picture DD sent me about the big window being put in at one of the girls' bathrooms at one of our high schools, and she was surprised. I asked her if that would be against the girl's privacy, which she said yes, and she is sure there will be either calls to the school from the parents, or even parents going to the next school board meeting about it. Crazy world when it comes to the schools.
The author Susan Wiggs sounds familiar, but I do not remember what I read from her.

DD and my 2 DGD's brought the lamp yesterday, and I think it will work very well in the bedroom, I am excited to get it all set up today, when DSIL and DD come to move the dresser.

DS called yesterday also, good to hear from her. She sounds so good; it is a shame they have gotten to be a bit of homebodies.
I will try to make the reason she called short; her DH had 5 kids with his first wife, who is I think over half Oneida Indian. So those grown children get quite a few perks from being and Indian. One is that occasionally they get very nice boxes of food for free. The youngest stepson called DS saying he got his latest box and cannot use the food, as he has too much already in his freezer, so he wants me to call him to see if I want what he has. I am going to call him today, after the dresser thing is done and see what he has. It sounds like the food is not too shabby, as they have things like a whole big filet of salmon, things like that. Right now, my little freezer is pretty full, but I think I can arrange things around in there for a bit more food. I will talk to DD about it but I think I could put a little food in their freezer. I am excited if I can get free meat!!

Tomorrow starts a long stretch of work before a day off again, which will be October 4th. Then towards the end of October I will have my colonoscopy, which I still have to find someone to be my driver.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Sept 2, 2024 12:43:21 GMT

Post by gareth on Sept 2, 2024 12:43:21 GMT

Karen, the readers are numbered in different strengths. After my catarct surgery they gave me the number to look for on the readers. They still didn't work for me though. Maybe your DS just needs someone to give them a ride to make it easier for them not wanting to drive anymore. Don't they want visitors either? Our get together was yesterday. It's always nice spending time with family. Sorry about your headache. Was this a new dentist? That doesn't sound right putting a big window in the bathroom.

Only 48º when I got up. Brrr....too early for those temps. Fall is definitely in the air. Sun is shining so it looks nice looking out. 76º predicted so it's going to be a nice day.

Last Edit: Sept 2, 2024 12:44:50 GMT by gareth

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Sept 2, 2024 13:12:24 GMT

Post by RobinS811 on Sept 2, 2024 13:12:24 GMT

Karen, the readers, or what you call cheaters, so maybe readers would make you feel better about them, come in different strengths. I have seen them I would say from 1.25 to 3.0, or maybe even stronger. Go to someplace like CVS or Walgreens and try on the different strengths. Maybe hold a box of some kind of food when trying them out, and you can see if you can read the ingredients or the directions, they are always so small. Glad that the driving ended up being better. I like having a lamp on my nightstand, but I think if that was the only light I had in the room it would drive me crazy, so glad that you are getting that new lamp. I know when you start working it takes a few weeks for you to get a paycheck. I hope that between that and the lower rent, you can budget a little more for food.

Carol, you will probably find this funny, because I know you go to Walmart a lot. I had a dream last night that they opened a new Walmart near me and it was beautiful. The Walmart that is here has been in the same spot for a long time, and not only is it the clientele that is so different, but it looks like a Warehouse, with the ceiling so odd and the shelves metal. Even Costco doesn't look like that.

Gareth, nice that you had a get together with family.

We had a nice enough time yesterday. I did talk to a few of the women, but when I was talking to one of DDIL's aunts, DH was next to me, and starts saying different things, and it was driving me crazy. Leo is very attached to DDIL's 2 sisters, because they are always around him. They are both single with no boyfriends, the younger one is turning 30, the older one is 34 I think. It wasn't too bad getting home, just getting over the bridge into the city was a jam, otherwise not bad. We left around 7, were home about 8:15. We were not the first to leave, but left after the 1st couple did. I am meeting a friend for a late breakfast so have to run. It is a place called Swing the Teapot, so you guessed it, I will have tea instead of coffee, so had to have a cup of coffee first. I put in a pick up order at Target that I will get on the way home. I need a few essentials I get there.

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booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2Sept 2, 2024 17:40:54 GMT

Post by carol2 on Sept 2, 2024 17:40:54 GMT

Robin, at least it wasn't a Walmart nightmare. Of course, going there to shop is sometimes a nightmare.

Karen, my eye doctor said when looking at the OTC readers start with the lowest number and work your way up.
Some of the stores have a card on the display where you can try to read the print on it and check out which number is best or like someone said get a carton or something and try to read the print on it. I was going to call my eye doctor today then realized it was a holiday. When you're retired sometimes the days all seem the same.

My headache is all gone, but I feel a little tired. I think that is from the meds. I call it my drug hangover.

Karen, I'm confused about the dentist. At my school I don't think aids were allowed to fill out referrals unless it was something really egregious like involving physical contact or bad language. That's weird about the window in the restroom. Glad your headache is better, too.

Today is DSIL's birthday. We will talk to them later. Our ladies Bible study at church starts tomorrow. We are going to have a brunch so I need to bake some muffins for it. I think I'm going to make cinnamon swirl. I love cinnamon anything.

booklovers! whatcha reading? weekend~ 8/31-9/1-9/2 | Weight Watchers Message Boards (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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