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arthel: a former president trump said just take the stage at any

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moment at a rally in a battleground wisconsin but he is expected to focus on two issues polls show our keep their voters the economy and crime part hello everyone and welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville. hi eric. eric: thank you everyone for joining us on this saturday and eric shawn performer president trump is in wisconsin vice president harris' and another must win swing estate and that is pennsylvania. the p statement pittsburgh prepping for tuesday's debate that will be held in philadelphia her first as a presidential nominee. polls show the race in the state was mandated dead heat it real clear politics has both at a statistical tie 47-point to percent each. maybe one more person would tip that, arthel? >> it meanwhile we do have a live a fox team coverage for you. alexis mcadams is in pittsburgh on how kamala harris is

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preparing for the debates in the steel city. but first let's go to rich edson who is liber donald trump is about to take the stage in a few moments. >> good afternoon. the former president is wheeled down here in wisconsin at the airport in central wisconsin. before he landed us what he normally does when he gives these speeches in airports as a flyby in his plane. dips his wing toward the crowd everyone goes crazy then he comes around the final passes and is on the ground should be taken the stage in a few minutes here both candidates have been campaigning in wisconsin. upper midwest blue wall states that will likely decide the selection when democrats defendant like in 2020 they win when republicans and breach it like in 2016 they win. polls across the states have been type trump today is traveling it's about 90 minutes west of green bay in the car. this is a more conservative part of the state where the trump campaign is trying to boost turnout to counterpart democrat areas like milwaukee and madison

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the campaign says this rally will focus on the economy and inflation. issues polls show has an edge over vice president harris both have been rolling out their economic plans this week. trump is calling for lower taxes reduced spending, fewer regulations want to boost energy production and government efficiency. democrats have called trump's economic proposal a giveaway to the wealthy and corporations while they say they are focused on that middle class and small businesses. now in the courtroom this week was another win for the former president. the judge in trump's hush money convictions delayed his sentencing until after the election of a trump has accused prosecutors and judges of trying to influence the presidential election in these cases. judge said he made to avoid any appearance however unwarranted this issue is designed to affect the election. the debate is to state with vice president harris. we asked the trump campaign how

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the preparations are going the response we got is what is debate prep? if you look behind mcnally trump aircraft is behind us. they will walk through here take the stage a few minutes the mouse trump hits this rally in central wisconsin about this court soon. back to you. >> a big crowd there's so what debate prep? i wonder what she things about that we'll find out tuesday at rich edson with the trump campaign there and wisconsin a big crowd behind you. thank you. >> was go to pittsburgh's were vice president harris is prepping for tuesday's debate. he picked up the big endorsem*nt from a big name conservative republican former vice president dick cheney a longtime gop official who served in several administrations says he will not vote for the republican candidate, former president trump but is backing harris. leslie mcadams is live in the steel city with the very latest on that and with the vice president is doing this weekend.

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>> well, for the first time since thursday when kamala harris touched down in pittsburgh, pennsylvania she is now taking a small break from debate prep she would into a spice store about 20 minutes ago or so walked around talk to very small group of voters and an even smaller group of media. it took about two questions or so she said she is ready for that debate on tuesday the best part about debate prep so far it was taking a break that tells you how things are going. thanking former vice president dick cheney for his endorsem*nt. let's take a listen. >> i think what they both as leaders who are well respected are making an important statement that it is okay if not important to put country above party. i am honored to have their support. i think it's an important statement right now. a lot of what i think is happening and i was just talking with folks in pittsburgh about

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it, people are exhausted about the division and the attempts to divide us as americans. and them stepping up to make this public statement i think is courageous but also for people like the folks i was just talking with, it really reinforces for them that we love our country but we have more in common than what separates us. >> on the heels of that endorsem*nt vice president kamala harris is still doing more debate prep she's back at her hotel there's lots of secret service and security outside. the vp is not how to debate the former presidential debate in four years. she is running for president today at the spice shop you can or that mediate reps asking the press to get out. she did take two questions for the debate on tuesday could be the only showdown before the presidential election. also harris and vp dick have spent a lot of time in the all-important state of pennsylvania. so was trump and his team it

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shows you how important things are here. been crisscrossing with his daughter people have questions about her policy pa per they wat to know what harris is going to do differently if she has been vice president now for nearly four years back here at life are hoping to the voters said they want to hear more about her plan for the economy for the help she outlines that in the debate. no matter what people are thinking who they're going to vote for it's interesting when you look at what's happening in wisconsin is a massive ground they are a big rally she was in a small spice shop and is now to debate prep it's very different from the campaign on their strategy. eric: alright alexis and all rin choosing them and that using plural for cheney she's also referring to list cheney the former republican representative who has also endorsed her as well as her father. great to see you thank you. arthel: meanwhile president biden is signing the good jobs executive order it yesterday. that is the same day a disappointing august jobs report was released.

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meanwhile his son hunter is reportedly laying low in los angeles after his surprise last second guilty plea on federal tax charges but let's go to the white house we find lucas tomlinson. >> good afternoon, arthel for the new executive order prioritizes union jobs when it comes to government grants addition to the august jobs report which is disappointing. as addition to the july report which said their 86000 fewer jobs created two months ago. president biden making this announcement an executive order battleground michigan speaking in ann arbor it were texas longhorns are taking on the wolverines right now. here's a president biden yesterday. >> are so proud of our record. the greatest job creation record of any single presidential term in american history increasing jobs to a total of 16 million new jobs since we took office.

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[applause] and they told us we could not do it. >> looking at the august jobs report one or 42000 new jobs created by that was below expectations. economists had predicted 20000 more for the jobs report also shows native born americans lost more than 1.3 million jobs over the past year. while foreign-born workers gained one point to million jobs were vice president harris president biden have long talked about growing the economy from the middle class out f. on the issue of november of foreign-born workers versus nativeborn workers here's former president trump highlighting that stat when he spoke in new york yesterday. >> our basic disaster. they are really bad. you had numbers that are shocking. nativeborn americans, we lost 1.3 million jobs. while foreign-born americans

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were able to take all of those jobs. >> you mention off the top, hunter biden b part he has released a new statement after he pled guilty to the tax evasion charges. his legal team saved by pleading guilty this would avoid some of the lurid details about hookers, hard drugs, foreign influence that likely would have surfaced if this case had gone to trial but here's what hunter biden said in the statement. it says a quote, i will not subject my family to more pain, more invasions of a privacy in needless embarrassment for all i put them through over the years i can spirit them this. i have decided to plead guilty. now hunters at sentencing will take place in december. of course that is if his father president biden does not pardon him first. >> he has said he wouldn't. but then that was when he was thinking he would've been the president for a second term right now that he won't be we will see what happens very close he also said he was not dropping out of the race over the summer.

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arthel: lucas tomlinson at the white house, thank you lucas. eric: the united nations alcon for investigation into the death of an american woman and the west bank. a witness claims is really defense forces shot and killed the 26-year-old. she is from seattle. this happened during a protest there yesterday for jeff paul live with more on this. >> according to appel student rights organization that family is calling for an independent investigation surrounding her death. witnesses say the israeli settlements in the west bank shots were fired for this all happening in the west bank town. the idf said that details and circ*mstances surrounding the shooting are now under review by the state department and turkey's foreign ministry are aware and reacting for turkish officials described the shooting as a murder carried out by the

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netanyahu government hurt u.s. secretary of state entity blinken meanwhile saying there's no higher priority than the safety and protection of american citizens around the world. >> we deplore this tragic loss. now the most important thing to do is to gather the facts and that is exactly what we are doing. we are intensely focused on getting those facts. and any actions that we take are driven by the facts. >> after several nights of fiery protests throughout israel, thousands of demonstrators are out in the streets of downtown tel aviv, israel and other cities across israel. they have been doing this for the last several nights and the wake of six hostages killed a hamas captivity included american israeli. many of the israelis are trying to push the israeli government as well as israeli prime minister benjamin tried one to make a deal before more captives

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are killed for during a recent interview on fox news netanyahu remained defiant blaming hamas for the lack of a cease-fire deal. bill burns made some comment saying they're hoping to have new details surrounding a cease-fire agreement or proposal in the coming days. but he says it's going to take a lot of political will from both sides hamas and israel to get this across the line. eric: hamas could end it by surrendering and stopping. jeff paul in tel aviv thank you. >> a terror plot in new york city foiled and now a pakistani national awaiting extradition to the u.s. from canada. we will tell you what investigas say he planned and the chilling reason why. that is coming up next. tell you how liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. isn't that what you just did? service! ♪stand back i'm going to show ya,♪

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not involved in this case right now. we do know she has a pretty long criminal record involving drugs, theft and family violence. as you said both the teenager and his father are facing multiple murder charges for the death of two students in two teachers here at apalachee high school on wednesday. 14-year-old colt garay allegedly behind the gun will be tried as an adult could get up to life in prison. he was emotionless in court yesterday despite facing four counts of felony murder. his 54 your old father is provided the ar-15 used in the killing could get up to 180 years behind bars. he is facing the most severe charges ever filed against a parent of an alleged school shooter he was visibly distraught in court even appeared to cry at times. it has been three days in the tragic shooting the memorials outside of this high school are growing by the day. just about an hour or so ago there's a giant prayer circle

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several vigils for the community to come together to remember and mourn them killed. >> yes we are going to be okay. yes, we are going to move on. but especially the families that lost their loved ones. no one is ever going to be okay. >> we know students here in the borough county school district will be returning to classes on tuesday. it is unclear when the students here at apalachee high school will be back in class. >> alrall right medicine thank u so much. a pakistani man accused of plotting to attack a jewish center in new york city on october 7. he is awaiting extradition to the u.s. from canada part let's go to cb cotton is live in new york city with all the details. >> mohamed a28-year-old

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pakistani citizen living in canada told undercover agents he wanted to kill as many jews as possible according to a criminal complaint which also says beginning in november 2023 he was sure in crisis propaganda video and pictures on encrypted messaging app. federal investigators say on the app he told others he was trying to create an off-line s cell of fellow isis supporters who would carry out the attack with ar style rifles jewish or cites leigh's lap last month he zeroed in telling undercover agents new york is perfect to target jews because it has a quote largest jewish population in america. according to a criminal complaint he wanted the attack to be on october 7 which marks the one-year anniversary of the start of the israel/hamas war or october 11 which is the jewish hholiest day of the year. law enforcement's that he planned to use a human smuggler to help them cross into our

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country. on wednesday he was taken into custody by canadian law enforcement only 12 miles from the u.s./canada border the anti-defamation league responding with gratitude on social media rating quote thank you to the fbi canadian law enforcement for apprehending this individual. and now jewish community leaders right here in new york city are also reacting to the horrific foiled plot. >> it does not shock me it was going to be done for october 7 does not shock me when it's being done on you kipper. it's shocking a 20-year-old would be willing to perpetrate such a horrific act. definitely will appear in court in canada according to the royal canadian mounted police. arthel: cb cotton, thank you. space bar when marking the anniversary of 911, four days

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without radical islamic terrorism remaining a deadly threat to our nation. for someone who knows a lot about this joint is now. dan hoffman former station chief who served in pakistan and russia and also a fox news contributor. dan, your thoughts this young man is 20 years old and wanted to allegedly incite a mass killing of jews in new york city. >> this was an extraordinary intelligence success where there was a threat detected to a soft target in brookland and the fbi in close coordination with the royal canadian mounted police were able to not only detect the threat but preempt it before any harm was caused. the concern i would have is there are other threats out there and this is a job for the fbi on our soil and overseas. it is not going to get any easier, that is the concern i would have. eric: to know the type of connections be gone from

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organizations like al qaeda to now potential lone wolf's are people on the internet who could potentially assemble a mass shooting assassination terrorist attack. do you see that? what should authorities look at when they're going to the background and connection of this 20-year-old? >> will learn a lot more but once he is extradited to the united states and maybe we see a formal indictment we may learn more about the tip the fbi received to start this investigation. did this individual have a network inside canada? was he in touch with isis in afghanistan was a sizable presence? that is certainly possible. that he tra travel back to pakin or afghanistan? we do not know the answers to these questions but they will be helpful to us. also important what sort of network did he have in canada on whom he might've relied for

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financing? perhaps for weapons or explosives did he have other intentions besides conducting attack in new york city do seek to launch attacks in canada? was a lot of unanswered questions it will be useful fos to follow up starting with february september 13. tonight they will learn more about that. i apparently went it smuggled gd into the u.s. it's on the northern border we have all the attention of the southern border but take a look at the stats more terror suspects captured trying to come into america from canada on the northern border. take a look at this. 289 fiscal year 2024 southern border just 43. six times more fiscal year 202-3484 on the northern border versus 80 on the southern border should we put more facilities and resources into the northern border? it seems like the suspected

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terrorist know you can get an easier if you come down for the north. >> remember the millennium attack that we foiled back in 2000 was also from the northern border put some of those statistics reflect the fact thet are effective on the northern border we detect more attempts by terrorists to infiltrate the united states from canada. let's remember those of the points of attack that's a little too close to comfort for me. the problem is isis remains in afghanistan at large effective and growing. they launched their crocus city attack in moscow and tried to target taylor swift concert in austria. they certainly have us and our crossers the united states they enjoy the same open field running in afghanistan that al qaeda enjoys and still enjoys before 911. >> it's been out here 1996 reporting on fox news terror big

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nap that border suspected coming from canada. finally you have experience in pakistan. what is it with pakistan? the architect of the boat jacob plot to blow up airliners the first bombing of the world trade center 1993. what are the unique factors potentially that go into are there any pakistan to create this? >> osama bin laden was hiding in pakistan. this is a problem we face. pakistan and afghanistan together hugos is a sizable number of terrorists and a sizable number of people can be recruited to become terrorists. we have never banned to solve the root of the problem the pakistanis have not been able to do it they too have suffered for terrorism directed at their government their military and their intelligence services. it's why we need to be in those

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places to detect those threats weight l lift of a boom before y harm is because her home and that's what i'm concerned we have no presence in afghanistan right now. eric: 911 next wednesday, two days later just the latest the suspect in court former station chief dan hoffman thank you for your service to our nation and of course your insight today. good to see you. >> thanks eric. >> thank you. we are just three days away from the big debate between former president trump and vice president harris. what can we expect? that is coming up ♪ 9 than brushing and flossing alone. get a next level clean... ahhhhh with listerine. feel the whoa! okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health.

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speak. preet written notes will not be allowed and there will be no audience in the room at the national cnational constitutionn philadelphia. john bussey is here associate editor of the wall street journal. how will they shape the debate whether or not the microphones should be muted i think the harris camp felt it might not be such a bad thing if trump were allowed to interrupt her so she could cut him off and show she is in command that's not going to happen because the mites will be muted a pad of paper a pen and a glass of water that's about it. >> the cand candidate answers hw will they impact americans decision on who to vote for? >> i think at this point you have the basic pretty much lined up.

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they're showing up at the rallies for trump and harris for this is an opportunity for both camps to go after the middle and the undecided. it's a very small group of voters student and now trying to make their decision for this is a convenient way to do so the both the going after the think harris will be going after an additional group of voters. again a very small group but could be decisive for the election this is alyssa cheney conservative on one side of moderate republicans on the other side. who might have been part of the administration the first trump administration is now disaffected from him. use are people who would normally vote republican. it reached toward the republican lever in the voting booth. they are wondering to themselves

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where they're going to vote democrat for the first time. >> is a gateway yes for sure. so with the former chief of staff before the run-ins with the law. the question is how large is that number? really overwhelmed that hard to say at this point. art35 oh it'sgood to roll respof moderators. what should they expect? >> straight questions.

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getting the specific set of both candidates. again an opportunity for both of them effective managers that is after all what we are electing. we are not electing a king. we are a chief executive someone to help us manage the government. whether or not both candidates how they respond. whether former president trump party criticized abc and criticize the anchors to lower the expectations for him it. they will build give both cans an opportunity to show their best. >> you think they'll be fact checking quickly?

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i think remote both though former president trump waters from the truth very quickly he will claim the economy is bad when in fact it's quite robust right now and healthy. he will claim violent crime is up under biden and harris when in fact it is down. hopefully they will do fact checking. they do not want to get into a position where they are an adversary. they're probably going to have to move on and not fact check too much real time. >> i'm sure they will be asking the bison present on any changes in policy or position that she has had over the years as well. john bussey we have to leave it there thank you so much always good to see you. and by the way everybody tune into fox news democracy 2024 special coverage of the abc presidential debates simulcast that is right you can watch it right here on fox news channel. no need to go anywhere else. our coverage began tuesday september 10 at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. >> of course we will have that

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postdebate analysis. back on earth last night. two astronauts they are still up iin the space at the international space station. jonathan has more on that. >> even without astronauts on the return flight this was a moment of truth for boeing starlight hurt delivered surviving the fiery reentry to earth's atmosphere deploying its redesigned parachutes to make a soft airbag assisted landing at a remote desert sites in new mexico. >> from paper human perspective, all of us feel happy about the successful landing but there is a piece of us, all of us we wish it would have been the way we had planned it. we plan to have the mission land with butch and sunny on board for. >> they have no regrets about their decision to return star

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letter to earth without astronauts on board they were concerned about problems with the maneuvering thrusters during the inbound trip to the international space station back in june starlight hurt test pilots and bu budget will more d suni williams will remain on the space station until february of 2025 returning with the upcoming crew nine mission aboard a space exit dragon spacecraft. even without crew on board for star liners return nasa officials say the test flight achieved about 85 -- 90% of the mission objectives. nasa officials are expressing optimism some modifications to the thrusters and perhaps some adjustment to the flight parameters will move the starlight hurt closer to certification for human spaceflight. >> thanks so much. >> nba legend charles barkley is keeping his million-dollar promise to to high school seniors in new orleans.

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charles voted to donate the money to their school in may at st. mary's academy after learning they correct these so-called impossible math problem known as the that grievant's ear. charles barkley is now delivering the first installment of $1000. the rest will be paid over a decade. again at st. mary's academy in new orleans. they are saying the transformative gift will help students excel and achieve their dreams. eric: that's great news for your hometown. i cannot even say i don't even know. [laughter] [laughter] trucks and a resolve that word before. you know what it is? all right. coming up next you're going to want to hear this story china allegedly infiltrating our government is that's what's happening? we'll have more heat straight ahead here on "fox news live." why? for a comprehensive, quality eye exam!

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♪ ♪'s report former top gate charge of being a foreign agent for the chinese in government and chinese communist party. the justice department took linda son into custody weeks after reading her multimillion dollar mansion on long island. she was a governor's deputy chief of staff at one point spread her arrest raising questions to what extent china it could be targeting u.s. officials. michael pillsbury heritage

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foundation senior fellow for china strategy author of the hundred years marathon. joins us now. michael, what does this say in terms of the allegations? it is stunning that beijing would reach out into albany, new york hot top official of a state government nevertheless to try to do its bidding according to the indictment. quickset is right it's a very complex indictment. one of the main points is that she is not a spy in the sense of an agent who is committing espionage, stealing top-secret documents. some of the press has gotten that wrong this is a very different kind of allegation. it is still criminal. but it is controversial because she can claim because asians are victims of hatred i had to do all of these things. the department of justice has these exemptions if your motive was commercial or you are not taking direction directly from the chinese government it's okay

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to be pro- china. how far can you go in helping china before becomes criminal but the dod j indictment seems to be saying is if you do money laundering if you get eight ferrari last year, if you get several million dollars. if you conceal on your employment forms you are receiving all this money from china than it is different its failure to register as a foreign lobbyist, a foreign agent. jail term of five years per count they are looking at serious jail time both winterson and her husband. they can also said this is what henry kissinger did for 50 years would take the chinese position in articles and tv appearances. he would claim i was not paid directly or told directly to do this by china and he escapes he was never charged.

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this is a very complicated and important case for the future. >> in this case she is a government official how do you you getmillions of dollars as yt out from the mansion on long island another home and hawaii allegedly millions of dollars for doing this. and elway it's insidious is to what is alleges a government official she has a public trust but she writes out the governors video a chinese greeting and does not include anything on human rights in this allegedly doing the bidding of beijing. blocks taiwanese officials for m meeting with the governor. basically doing exactly what the communists in china want on behalf of them and she is allegedly being paid to do that as a public official. quickset is exactly right. the indictment says she took direction from chinese government officials for this is not something she thought up on her own to celebrate the chinese new year. the reason it is so serious and this may separate in the debate

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of china comes up, this may separate the kamala harris approach to china which is quite laid back it's just a competition compared to donald trump's approach because we've got to get negotiations to save the american economy. he got those going he's very proud of than this is a political issue at the highest level. how far can you go as it government official helping china? in her case is all of the money as you point out the ferrari and the benefits you cannot do both if you want to love it china and protect the asians against hate that is one thing. but if your husband gets paid millions of dollars you conceal that you are into criminal territory for many in prison that's how i see it. >> finally as a veteran watch or should we be surprised? i was initially they are going so far not just to deal the top levels but in albany, new york other state capitals how do we

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know we have sister city or sissy state relationships with these officials visit to do try to its bidding and talking points. does that surprise you beijing allegedly went this far to apparently allegedly target her someone at that level and that could be happening may be in city councils across the country. blocks the one guy who forecasts all this for years goes with secretary of state pompeo. he revealed a secret chinese document they were at rank ordering all 50 u.s. governors in terms of which one was most appropro- china which was most - china. they're trying to blow the whistle president trump also talked about this they were not just working on the president and congress they are working on all levels of the government both overtly which is what this is or covertly with spies getting our internal secret documents about what we are trying to do about china. so it is a major threat.

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nobody seems to be in charge and invited ministration with what to do about this that is my concern. >> she will be back in court as thethis only and is being unpee. really an astounding case. good to see you as always thank you. >> thanks eric. eric: will have more news when "fox news live" comes right back.

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arthel: california governor gavin newsom has a veto to vetod controversial bill that would have helped illegal immigrants get loans to buy homes in the golden state's. christina coleman is live in los angeles with more. precedent do we know why a governor newsom is saying no to home loans for illegal immigrants? >> we do. governor gavin newsom vetoed the controversial bill yesterday citing financial reasons. he said given the finite funding available they need to carefully consider how to manage resources within the state budget effectively. california currently faces a multibillion dollar budget deficit. if newsom would have send the bill into law would have given some illegal immigrants up to $150,000 california taxpayer funds for first-time home ownership loans. supporters of the legislation says it could have helped

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immigrants live the american dream and afford a house. they also note u.s. citizens could have applied for the program two. critics of the programs that it's financially irresponsible considering the state severe budget deficit. they also said it's unfair to the millions of americans living in california who have not been able to afford a house in this state for years. >> we have a $62 billion deficit this year we should be doing everything we can to support californians and legal residents are veterans, our children are disabled. this smacks in the face of everyone trying to eke out a living here in california. >> is also this week trump announced a ban illegal immigrants from obtaining home mortgages if elected president. arthel: alright christina coleman live in los angeles, thank you. eric: it may soon cost you more than a coin to toss and make a

11:56 am

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>> how much is a wish worth two euros says rome top tourism official agency is considering now charging for tickets to the legendary iconic fountain the fountain is well known destination for tourists set on

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tossing coin and you get one coin you hope for a return two coins -- fall in love with an italian but the officials say that fountain has become so popular you see how crowded it is. it is inconvenienting locals and causing damage. the proposal would allow for entry to the pitsia it is a beautiful spot arthel? >> it is. i've thrown in a couple of coins. i was not rying to marry an italian that is not how that works but i can understand their idea is rome is underrun by a lot of things need to keep it together there. anyway, what's it for now. but don't go anywhere -- because "the journal editorial report" is up next. and guess what eric and i well we're back again at 4 p.m. eastern. thanks for watching.

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